If you happen to see a dark body stealthily swimming through the lake and intermittently having its snakelike head poking above the surface, you did not see the Lock Ness monster. This stealthy predator in an Anhinga. Unlike most waterbirds, the Anhinga doesn’t have feathers that are “waterproof” however, this adaptation allows them to slowly submerge to slyly stalk fish. The Anhinga’s distinct shape has earned the reputations of being the “water turkey” due to its turkey like tail and the “snake bird” for its snake-like neck that slithers through the water. Their dagger like beak is quite efficient at stabbing fish while under the surface. Anhingas inhabit shallow freshwater lakes, ponds and slow moving streams with branches or logs for their nesting. They also use brackish bays and lagoons along the coast but are cautious to enter extensive open water. When not on their submarine hunt, they can be seen usually with silvery wings spread wide catching the sun’s heat to dry their waterlogged feathers. Once dry, they will soar high on thermals stretched out like a cross. Typical life span for these 10 years. All photos that appear in the Whiskey Creek News are captured only within our favored community. Should you like to follow the exploits of what this camera bug captures, follow the journey here. You’ll need to request membership to gain access! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1430022127286192