Flying insects are usually annoying. Mosquitos bite, bees and wasps sting. Flies are just disgusting. But there’s something magical about dragonflies. Dragonflies were some of the first winged insects to evolve, some 300 million years ago. Modern dragonflies have wingspans of only two to five inches, but fossil dragonflies have been found with wingspans of up to two feet. There are more than 5,000 known species of dragonflies. In their larval stage, which can last up to two years, dragonflies are aquatic and eat just about anything—tadpoles, mosquitoes, fish, other insect larvae and even each other. Once they’ve left their water borne nursery, taking up to days to dry their wings to become expert fliers. They can fly and hover like a helicopter. All activity is air borne; from capturing and devouring their prey to mating. They’ll starve if they can’t take flight. They’re so effective as an airborne hunter rating 90-95% inflight captures. Life expectance is anywhere from a few weeks up to a year during their adult stage. Nearly all of its head is and eye that provides incredible vision that encompasses almost every angle except right behind them.