1435 Tredegar Drive finds a unique Frank Lloyd Wright styling personally applied by its owners Dan and Diane Jenkins. They toil successfully within their home-based business of custom high-end home design and effectively market through Diane’s graphic designer expertise. They were initially attracted to Whiskey Creek by their daughter’s local residence however with her family’s location out of state left their cats under Dave and Diane’s expert care. Shortly after acquiring their home within a few months of Hurricane Ian’s landfall, extensive pool cage and home repairs were not of the Whiskey Creek baptism that had preferred. But have they ever bounced back! Exquisitely ornate from design characteristics to choice landscaping is only trumped by the open golf course views. Take a walk down Tredegar and locate the Jenkins. Another talent that truly identifies itself by the Jenkins’ design efforts but more so from the honor of being recognized for their collective efforts in calling this their home!