Residing at 5328 Shalley Circle West are two well-traveled residents who have shared their love for journalism from Buffalo, NY, to Doha, Qatar, while amassing journalism careers, including a tenure with The Wall Street Journal, and University professorships, Richard and Trish Roth, originally from Indiana and New Jersey, respectively, found their WC home via Trish’s late brother, a long-term WC resident, while Trish also has the luxury of reconnecting with several Fort Myers High School classmates. Their home is ornately adorned with typical Florida flora, however the stately Silver Bismarck balances the effervescently blooming Ixora and frames the presence of educational icons worthy of your time to become acquainted. Swing by and enjoy the home of more than just a manicured facade, but an experience of life eagerly shared with pride in the recognition of this humble award!