Great White Egret

Great White Egret

Great White Egret rank among our most conspicuous and beautiful birds. The Great White Egret is extremely similar to the Great White Heron however, the Egret is a bit smaller in size with black legs. The Heron is larger in stature, less “bright’ with thicker...
Downy  Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

  Downy Woodpeckers are smaller versions of the Pileated Woodpecker of which you’ve seen “Woody Woodpecker” of cartoon fame. The Downy has an effective chisel-like bill when in search of insect larvae prey. In fact, due to their size they can reach where their...
Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker

The Pielated Woodpecker is on the of the most striking “forest” birds in the general area. Its size is comparable to the black crow but with bold white stripes and flaming red crest. You can hear the Woodpecker whacking at dead trees and fallen logs in search of their...
Grey Catbird

Grey Catbird

A medium-sized songbird with a long, rounded, black tail and a narrow, straight bill. Catbirds are fairly long legged and have broad wings. Although they appear entirely slaty gray with a closer look you’ll see a small black cap, blackish tail, and a brown patch...
Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron Despite its different last name, the Little Blue Heron is more related to the Snowy Egret. When it’s young, this heron is white but molts to a dark slate-blue plumage as an adult. These herons and generally wary and hard to approach. The nest in...
Little Blue Heron

Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies embark on a marvelous and unbelievable migratory phenomenon. They travel between up to 3000 miles from the northeast United States, and southeast Canada to the mountain forests in central Mexico, where they find the right climate conditions to...