Green Anole

Green Anole

All of Florida’s anoles have expanded toe tips with a small claw, which makes them excellent climbers, and there are several species of anoles in the state that may be confused with the brown anole. All but one of these species was introduced by people. The only...
Muscovy Ducks

Muscovy Ducks

Muscovy Ducks, a non-domestic species to the Florida environment, are large, heavy-bodied ducks with long necks that can make them look like small geese. They have a unique appearance with red facial skin with odd warty growths. The tail is fairly long. Males are...
Honey Bee

Honey Bee

The simple HoneyBee is significant singularly important insect that provides so much for our survival. Some know of their importance to pollenating plants but do you know these other facts of this mighty “bee”? The average honey bee flies at a speed of 15 mph and...
Night Heron

Night Heron

Seen by day, these chunky herons seem dull and lethargic, with groups sitting hunched and motionless in trees near water. They become more active at dusk flying out to foraging sites as they pass high overhead in the darkness. They usually feed at night because they...